Friday, June 18, 2010

Just two more weeks until we get LAFFN!

I meant to post this yesterday, but didn't instead...we have just two weeks until LAFFN (Let's All Finally Finish a Novel), where we pledge to finish our works in progress during the month of July! Remember, the rules are simple: make LAFFN about whatever is most beneficial to you, as long as you're writing. You can finish a NaNoWriMo novel, or that treatise on the effect of the Vietnam War on the local economy, or that book of essays. Maybe your plan is to write a 200,000 word book, so you just want to get 50,000 done in July. Heck, you could even write an entire book during the month if you don't have a WIP to finish. Whatever floats your boat, man, it's all good. Just write! Time to stop sitting around and saying how you OUGHT to finish that book...time to DO it!

Get involved with other LAFFers at

What can you do right now to ensure your success, you ask? Here are some suggestions:

1. Reread your WIP to refresh yourself on what it's about, timelines, important details, etc.

2. Brainstorm on plot elements, story lines, the ending, and so on. Outline it, if that helps you.

3. Unlike NaNo, you're allowed to work on your book before LAFFN actually starts. If throwing a few words on the page now will help you cross the finish line by July 31, go for it.

4. Warn your family and friends that you will be busy in July and to be prepared not to bother you. You have important stuff going on!

5. Recruit your family and friends to join you, so you're not the only one going through this madness. See if you can set up some write-ins, where you all set up shop at someone's house, a cafe, etc. and all write together. You can do word wars, etc., to egg everyone on.

Any other suggestions?

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