Friday, October 10, 2008


Today I got a special package in the mail. The Ultimate Horse Lover, the very first book to contain my name! Looks like a great read. I'm on page 161. They changed the title to "We're Just Here to Look," but I forgive them.

I don't know if I'll ever get over that cool feeling of seeing something in print with "by Jennifer Walker" at the top of it (er, or at the end, as the case may be). Maybe I'll get all jaded eventually, but I still have to look for every issue of every magazine and dig through the table of contents until I find it.

Of course, there will be more books with my name in them! For example, the Accentuate Writers Short Story Contest Anthology will contain at least two of my works and will be out early next year. And, I'm still sending out queries for Bubba Goes National.

To infinity, and beyond!


Anonymous said...

I hope you never get over that feeling! It is very cool. Be sure to save that first one and frame it- for inspiration.

You have inspired me. I have closely watched your journey to freedom. Thank you!

Jennifer Walker said...

Aw, thank you!! And best of luck on your own journey!